===== Edition Open Access — Summary of Commands ===== ==== 1. General Setup ==== \include{pre_eoa} \EOAbibliographytype{monograph} \EOAbibliographydatabase{DatabaseFile} \EOAseries{Studies} \begin{document} The actual text begins here using the structuring and formatting commands described below. \end{document} ''\EOAbibliographytype'' may be anthology or monograph. With monograph you can produce one bibliography per chapter; anthology would produce a complete bibliography for the entirepublication. ''\EOAbibliographydatabase'' should include the filename of your BibTeX-database. ''\EOAseries'' may be Studies, Sources, Textbooks or Proceedings. This command determines the dimensions of the book and also the numbering scheme. ==== 2. Text structure ==== === Part === \EOApart{Title} Introduces a new part in an edited volume. === Chapter, automatically numbered === \EOAchapter{Short title}{Full title} Introduces a new chapter. The short title will appear in the header and should not exceed 40 characters. Note: A short title //must// be given. === Chapter, unnumbered === \EOAchapternonumber{Short title}{Full title} Introduces a new, unnumbered chapter. See above. === Details of author in the chapter heading === \EOAauthor{Name} In an edited volume with more than one author, each author will be introduced with the command ''\EOAauthor'' within the chapter command ''\EOAchapter'' or ''\EOAchapternonumber''. Example: \EOAchapter{short title for the header} {Here is the full chapter title \EOAauthor{Jane Smith}}. === Section title === \EOAsection{Heading} Introduces a new section, which is numbered and will appear in the table of contents. The section will be unnumbered if the command ''\EOAsectionnonumber{Heading}'' is used. === Subsection title === \EOAsubsection{Subheading} Introduces a new subsection, which is numbered and appearsin the table of contents. The subsection will be unnumbered if the command ''\EOAsubsectionnonumber{Heading}'' is used. === Sub-subsection title === \EOAsubsubsection{Sub-subheading} This command introduces a sub-subsection, but should only be used if absolutely necessary. === Blank page === \EOAemptypage A blank page will be inserted at this point. === Page break === \EOAnewpage The text given after this command will begin on a new page. ==== 3. Formatting the text ==== === Italics === \EOAemph{Text} The text in the curly brackets will be given in //italics//. === Bold text === \EOAbold{Text} The text in the curly brackets will be given in **bold**. === Superscript and subscript === \EOAup{Text} \EOAdown{Text} The text in curly brackets will be given in superscript or in subscript. === Red text === \EOAred{Text} The text in curly braces will appear in red. === Internet addresses URL === \EOAurl{https://www.example.com} This will format Internet addresses. The address in the curly brackets should not be masked or modified in any way. It is good practice to also note the date when that site was last accessed. You can add a formatted string as an optional argument. It will be appended to the URL, separated by a comma: \EOAurl[accessed August 13, 2018]{https://www.example.com} === Greek, Chinese,Russian and Hebrew characters === \EOAgreek{Text} \EOAchinese{Text} \EOArussian{Text} \EOAhebrew{Text} This will mark characters that require a special font. Greek, Chinese,Russian or Hebrew text should be typed exactly as it should be printed. Modification is not required. === Footnotes === \EOAfn{Text} The text in brackets will be given in an automatically numbered footnote at the bottom of the page. === Special characters as images === \EOAinline{Image_file} In very exceptional cases, a character can be used that does not belong to the Unicode range. This command will allow an image file to be embedded in the text as a character. === The tilde ~ === \EOAtilde This command generates the character ''~''. It should not be used when writing equations. === Indented citations === \begin{EOAquote} Text to be set off the running text. \end{EOAquote} The cited text will be indented at both sides and the line spacing somewhat reduced. ==== 4. Special layouts for scientific texts ==== === Transcription and translation === \begin{EOAtranscripted}{Header left}{Header right} Transcribed text on the left-hand page \EOAnewpage Translated text on the right-hand page \end{EOAtranscripted} For a comparison, a transcription is given on the left page and its translation on the right. === Letterhead === \EOAletterhead{Recipient and Date}{Archive identification} {Additional information}{pages} This will give a letterhead within a frame. The text body of the letter follows the command as normal running text. ==== 5. Lists, numbered items, theorems and descriptions ==== === List of numbered items === \begin{EOAlist} \item First numbered entry \item Second numbered entry \end{EOAlist} For a list of numbered items, use the command ''\EOAlist''. Entries within this list will be introduced by the command ''\item'' and should not exceed one paragraph. It is not possible to create lists of numbered entries with multiple hierarchies. === Lists === \begin{EOAitems} \item First entry \item Second entry \end{EOAitems} To create a list, use the command ''\EOAitems''. Entries in the list will be introduced by the command ''\item'' and should not exceed one paragraph. It is not possible to create lists with multiple hierarchies. === Descriptions === \begin{EOAdescription} \item[The item to be described] The description of this item. \item[The second item to be described] The description of this item. \end{EOAdescription} ''\EOAdescription'' can be used for textual descriptions. The text given after ''\item'' in brackets will be indentedand set in italics. === Theorems === \EOAnewtheorem{Identifier}{Name of theorem} To presentautomatically numbered theorems, a theorem can be given using the command ''\EOAnewtheorem''.The name of the theorem can be determined by the user and is given at the beginning of the line. Using the command ''\begin{Identifier}'' you can start the explanation of the theorem. This must be ended with the command ''\end{Identifier}''. Please note: Although we make use of the package **amsthm**, it is //not// possible to use commands such as ''\newtheoremstyle'' or ''\swapnumbers''. ==== 6. Figures and equations ==== === Figures === \EOAfigure{File_name}{Caption}{Label}{Width}{Positioning} * __File_name__: All image data files should be stored in the same folder as the Tex-data. It is recommended to store the image files in a sub-folder withinthe main folder. The folder(s) should be labeled without using spaces or special characters such as @, /, ü, etc. The name of the sub-folder should begin with the name of the folder, e.g. Smith_Images. * __Caption__: The caption should not exceed 3 to 4 lines. * __Label__: The label will be used for cross-referencing purposes. * __Width__: A number should be givenfrom 1 to 99. This will determine the width of the figure in the type area. The number 99 will cause the figure to take up the whole width of the type area, 50 will cause it to take up half of the area, etc. * __Positioning__: Two abbreviations can be used to influence the positioning of the figures in the text. The abbreviation ''ht'' will cause the figure to be positioned as close as possible to the insertion point in the text or in a suitable position at the top of one of the following pages. Using ''H'' will cause the figure to appear at the exact insertion point in the text. Example: \EOAfigure{Chap01/colored}{A colored image}{sec1:Picture1}{75}{ht} The figure ''colored'', stored in the sub-folder ''Chap01'', will be positioned at the top of page (''ht''). The figure will take up ''75%'' of the width of the type area and will have the automatically numbered caption ''A colored image'' placed underneath. A cross-reference to this image can be generated using the label ''sec1:Picture1''. === Landscape Figures === \EOAlsfigure{File_name}{Caption}{Label} This command is used to insert a landscape figure covering the whole page. (The whole page will be turned 90 degrees in the PDF.) === Unnumbered Figure === \EOAfigurenonumber{File_name}{Width}{Positioning} This command is used to insert an unnumbered or unlabeled image into the document. It should be used only in exceptional cases, for instance,for a group photo. === Equations set in the running text === \EOAineq{Equation} Use the command ''\EOAineq'' to write a short equation in the running text. Supports equation packages such as **amsmath**, **mhchem**. === Simple equations === \begin{EOAequation}{Label}Instructions for the equation. \end{EOAequation} This environment creates an automatically numbered equation set off from the running text. The label must be given, even if no cross-reference is made to the equation. For an unnumbered equation, use the following environment: ''\begin{EOAequationnonumber} ... \end{EOAequationnonumber}''. To introduce a line break in the equation, use the environment ''\begin{split} ... \end{split}''. The line break will be marked with ''\\''. For example: \begin{EOAequation}{pdot2} \begin{split} \frac{\partial p_{\alpha }}{\partial t}= \frac{d L(q^{\alpha },b^{\alpha },x)}{%d q^{\alpha }} + \eta _{\xi }\frac{df^{(\xi )}(q^{\alpha},b^{\alpha },x)}{d q^{\alpha }} \\ -\frac{\partial }{\partial x^{r}}% \left\{ \frac{d L(q^{\alpha },b^{\alpha },x)}{d q_{,r}^{\alpha }%} + \eta _{\xi }\frac{d f^{(\xi )}(q^{\alpha },b^{\alpha },x)}{%d q_{,r}^{\alpha }} \right\}, \end{split} \end{EOAequation} Supported packages: **amsmath**, **mhchem**, **braket**, **slashed**, **amssymb**. === An array of equations === \begin{EOAequationarray}{Label}Instructions for the different equations. \end{EOAequationarray} This command compiles an array of equations. A label is obligatory. For an array of unnumbered equations without a label, use the environment ''\begin{EOAequationarraynonumber} ... \end{EOAequationarraynonumber}''. === Subequations === \begin{EOAsubequations}{Label}Normal equations using EOAequation \end{EOAsubequations} This command compiles an array of equations. There should be no arbitrary text between the equations. ==== 7. Tables ==== === Basic layout of a table === \begin{EOAtable}{Column definitions}{Caption}{Label}{Positioning} columns & divided & by & ampersands\\ \end{EOAtable} * __Definition of columns__: To define a column, an abbreviation in the form ''Alignment{Width}'' is used. ''L'' stands for left-aligned text, ''C'' for centered text, and ''R'' for right-aligned text. The indication of width is given in cm. The indication ''L{4cm}'' will define a column of 4cm width whose text will be left aligned. The sum width of all the columns in a table should not exceed 9.5cm. * __Caption__: The caption should not exceed three to four lines. If ''nonumber'' is given in place of a caption, then neither a number nor a caption will appear * __Label__: The label will be used for cross-referencing purposes. * __Positioning__: Two abbreviations can be used to influence the positioning of the table in the text. The abbreviation ''ht'' will cause the tableto be positioned as close as possible to the insertion point in the text or in a suitable position at the top of one of the following pages. Using ''H'' will cause the table to appear at the exact insertion point in the text. Example: \begin{EOAtable}{L{3cm}C{3cm}R{3.5cm}}{This is a caption}{Table1}{ht} ragged left text in column 1 & centered text in column 2 & right ragged text \\ 2nd row, 1st column & 2nd row, 2nd column & 2nd row, 3rd column \end{EOAtable} This will define a table with three columns. The first column is left aligned and 3cm wide. The second column is centered and is also 3cm wide. The third column is right aligned and 3.5cm wide. === Table header === \EOAtablehead{columns & divided & by & ampersands} For an offset header, this command can be used directly after ''\begin{EOAtable}''.The column headings are separated by ''‘&’''. A closing line break ''\\'' is not used. ==== 8. Cross-­referencing ==== === Assigning a label === \EOAlabel{Label} To cross-reference a particular part of the text, set up a jump label as follows ''\EOAlabel{SectionX}''. === Cross-reference to a label: section, figure or equation === \EOAref{SectionX/FigureX/Eq.X} This command will create a cross-reference to the number of the referenced section, figure or equation. === Page reference === \EOApageref{Label} This will produce the page number on which the referenced (labeled) item appears. ==== 9. Bibliographic details ==== === References with author and year === \EOAciteauthoryear[page-range]{Reference_key} This will produce the author’s name and the year of the publication only. The reference key refers to the identification of the entry in the BibTeX-database. Information such as the page range or the volume or chapter number can be given in the square brackets (optional). === References with year === \EOAciteyear[page-range]{Reference_key} This will produce the year of the publication only; the author's name will be suppressed. === Individual referencing === \EOAcitemanual[Character string]{Reference_key} This command is used to indicate source references with an arbitrary character string. The character string may also involve just single characters, for example, for source references in the form //Einstein 1916a,b,c//. === References with numbers === \EOAcitenumeric[page-range]{Reference_keys} The command ''\EOAcitenumeric'' is used in conjunction with the numerical citation that is activated by using ''\EOAbibliographytype{anthology-numeric}'' or ''\EOAbibliographytype{monograph-numeric}''. It is the only citation command that is able to divide a list of sources using commas. === Bibliography === \EOAprintbibliography At this point, a list of the references will be given. ==== 10. Indices ==== === Index entry === \EOAindex{Index_term} This command adds an entry to the index. If the entry begins with a special character, for example, with an **umlaut** or **é**, then the **@** symbol can be used as a sort key. For example, a normal entry would be ''Smith\index{Smith, J.}'' and produce //Smith, J.// in the index. An entry with a special character such as é would be ''Géhéniau\index{Geheniau, J.@Géhéniau, J.}''. Here the entry is sorted under G, but as //Geheniau// and not //Géhéniau//. The command ''\EOAindexperson{}'' adds an entry to the index of names. === Compiling the index === \EOAprintindex This command compiles the index. The index of names is displayed using the command ''\EOAprintpersonindex''. Please note: The indices may need some adjustments before going to print. This will be done by the Development Team. ==== 11. Facsimiles ==== === Facsimile part === \EOAfacsimilepart{Text} This introduces the part of the book, if any, containing facsimiles. More than one part can be introduced. The facsimiles should always be positioned at the end of a book. === Facsimile === \EOAfacsimile{File_name}{Label}{Header} This will produce each separate image file on one whole page. The obligatory label can be used to cross-reference the facsimiles. The header will appear in the heading of the page and may be used to describe a particular page, i.e. //57verso//. ==== 12. Other permitted commands ==== The following commands can be used to optimize the layout of the book. However it must be noted that these commands will be ignored during the conversion process for the Web layouts. The commands should not be used in making scientific statements. Admissible commands: **\noindent \medskip \smallskip \bigskip \vspace \,** as well as **\followed by a space** to reduce the spread.